About Boulden

Founded in 1998 Boulden Management Consultants are experts in the design and delivery of in-house, ‘soft skills’ workshops and seminars. We are also highly experienced in using Action Learning to link the work done on a training programme back into the work environment in order to create lasting behaviour change.
We have delivered workshops, bespoke events and training throughout Europe, USA, Russia, Latin America and Asia. We have a broad range of experience and have worked in a number of industry sectors including: Finance, Insurance, Telecommunications, Pharmaceuticals, Professional Services, Local Government and Health Care.
We have a well-defined design methodology for ensuring a clear link between a business issue and the training we develop. We use only highly capable and experienced consultants to deliver our programmes and we are proud of our memberships of professional bodies that demonstrate our professional status.
We have consultants based in the UK, France, Belgium, Sweden, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and the USA. We can deliver programmes in English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish, and Mandarin. Our consultants are all highly trained and experienced professional people, specially selected for their subject knowledge expertise, personal integrity and commitment to customer service. Their skills base includes Master Practitioners of NLP, Certified Coaches and Chartered Psychologists.
We are a Registered Practice with the Institute of Consulting. As such we are bound by a Code of Professional Conduct, which ensures our integrity, independence and objectivity. We will behave in an open, honest and trustworthy manner; act in the best interests of our clients and continually develop our professional knowledge. Visit the IC website
We are a member of IFAL (International Foundation for Action Learning) and use Action Learning to develop leaders, embed change into organisations, and support development programmes. Action Learning, as a discipline involves working on real problems, focusing on learning and actually implementing solutions. It is a form of learning by doing. Pioneered by Professor Reg Revans and developed worldwide since the late 1940s, it provides a well-tried method of accelerating learning which enables people to handle complex issues more effectively. Visit the IFAL website.
Many of the tools and techniques that we use are based on ‘Applied NLP’. NLP stands for ‘Neuro Lingusitic Programming’, which was first developed in the 1970’s when its co-founders, Richard Bandler and John Grinder first published their insights into tools and techniques for communication influence and change. NLP is frequently known as the “users manual for your mind” and studying NLP gives us insights into how our thinking patterns can effect every aspect of our lives. Visit the ANLP website
We tailor make our programmes to suit the specific requirements of individual clients, but naturally, with over two decades of experience, we have assembled a tried and tested portfolio of programmes that customers often find can be simply modified to meet their needs.
See the full list of our ‘library’ of proven training solutions - Review our Course Brochures
To talk to us about our range of courses contact
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877