Remote-Based Training

Most of our workshops can be run as either 'face to face' or virtual training sessions, however we do have a few specially selected courses that are only available in a remote training format because the content so specifically relates to working in the virtual world.
The first of these are:
How to connect with people and demonstrate credibility and gravitas when working remotely.
Supporting and helping colleagues as part of a remote team.
Develop your personal impact with customers in the virtual work space.
Giving clients a valued service via remote working.
Build, maintain, and energise Virtual Teams.
Gaining a competitive edge in remote negotiations.
How to plan and run efficient Virtual Sales Meetings.
Learning how to influence customers in an online setting.
How to say “no” diplomatically.
Learn to run large online meetings effectively.
Delivering high-impact remote presentations.
Turning customers into advocates.
To talk to us about our range of courses contact
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877