Creative Thinking

This fast paced, participative programme considers the key factors involved in boosting creativity; a key success factor in dealing with the complex issues thrown up in the modern businesses environment. Creativity is a capacity that is innate in all people and with the correct training it can be developed and strengthened, helping to generate fresh solutions and create new product ideas.
By attending this highly interactive and practical course you will:
Business Leaders, Managers, and technical specialists who wish to develop their creative thinking skills.
Understanding the underlying principles that support the creative thinking process.
Reviewing some of the tried and tested creative thinking techniques and explaining how these ‘classic techniques’ can be applied to develop artful solutions to problems and challenges.
Harnessing the power of the unconscious mind coupled with the expressive power of images and drawing to develop fresh perspectives and insights into opportunities and challenges.
Based on the working methods of Walt Disney, this elegant three-part process helps to take an idea from its creative inception through to an implementation plan grounded in reality.
Feedback is based upon peer review using Boulden assessment checklists. Completing the assessment checklists is not only valuable to the people involved in a given role play or case study, it also helps those completing them to gain an in-depth understanding of the building blocks that make up effective creative thinking.
All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.
Further information on this course is available by contacting
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877