Essential Time Management

This one-day workshop is designed to enable delegates to understand how their personal motivation patterns affect the way they use their own, and other people’s time. During the course we explore the need to develop an awareness of time as a scarce resource, which needs to be used effectively in order to avoid overload and stress. The programme also introduces delegates to systematic time planning techniques (including the use of email) and prioritisation methods.
By attending this highly interactive one-day course you will:
Anyone who wants to develop their personal effectiveness in the work place.
Considering the fundamental principles or core beliefs that are important in managing time and giving participants the opportunity to review their own beliefs.
The starting point for any attempt at improving personal effectiveness is to set goals based on the most important aspects of your work and social life.
Effective Time Managers make conscious choices about how they use their time. Part of doing this well is to make a distinction between high value, high impact tasks and the more trivial ones.
‘To do lists’ or ‘action lists’ highlight the tasks that need to be done in order to start to achieve the priorities.
The essential premise behind the batching concept is that if you group similar items together and work on them in a single time slot or batch you can achieve much more than if you hop or jump from task to task. All the research shows that tremendous reduction can be made in the time taken to complete jobs by avoiding fragmenting them, thus making it unnecessary to return to them.
A common time management problem is the inability to ‘switch off’ from work when at home. Thus many people find that when they should be paying attention to their partner or children or enjoying a good meal or sleeping soundly they are in fact still thinking about work. Here we discuss how to resolve this issue.
A great deal of time, effort and energy can be wasted in meetings but there are a number of key behaviours that can be used when participating in meetings that can make them more efficient and effective for everyone concerned. There are two key areas that we need to consider and these are (i) control techniques for helping to keep things on track and (ii) our personal contribution to the meeting based on the style of our intervention.
Many people don’t fully appreciate that saying, “yes” to one thing effectively means saying “no” to something else. That ‘something else’ may well be a priority work task for us or may eat away at time we want to dedicate to our home or personal lives. So if we are too accommodating, then it may well be that the things we are saying ‘no’ to by default are the very things that we need to do to take better care of ourselves and/or hit our personal work targets. This is why finding out exactly why people are asking for things and then negotiating a way forward that makes sense to you and to them is so important.
Feedback is based upon peer review using a Boulden assessment checklist. Completing the assessment checklist is not only valuable to the people involved in a given case study, it also helps those completing them to gain an in-depth understanding of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that make up an excellent time manager.
All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.
Further information on this course is available by contacting
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877