Focused Career Management

This is a robust, fast paced programme to help High Potential employees take responsibility for their careers. When an employee is recognised as a “High Potential” person within an organisation it opens up a world of possibilities in terms of promotion prospects and development opportunities. It also, however, creates challenges and pressure for that person to prove that they can perform at ever higher levels and that they can learn and grow on a continuous basis. A key aspect of rising to this challenge is that the High Potential people are enabled to take the initiative for their career development. This programme aims to facilitate that by giving participants access to methodologies that will enable them to clarify and realise their career aspirations.
By attending this highly interactive course you will:
This is a talent development programme for employees who want a powerful and robust introduction to the key components of effective career development and want to “take charge” of their future.
Here we consider the golden rules, or key concepts, that are at the heart of effective career management, including the realisation that different leadership levels require different skills.
Mastering the process of mapping out a career trajectory and acquiring the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to take the next step.
Understanding why having a ‘personal brand’ is important and the relationship your brand has with (i) your values and (ii) your alignment with company values (iii) your career path.
Obsessively concentrating on career goals at the expense of family or social life can cause the problem of ‘burn out’, so it is important to establish boundaries that allow a sense of balance to be achieved.
Learning what it means to work with your boss (and key clients) and how to support them in a way that makes them want to support you; anticipating and defusing resistance to your ideas and suggestions.
All our programmes are run on an in-house basis and (where appropriate) we conduct interviews and facilitate focus groups to gather information with which to write bespoke case studies that precisely reflect the culture and work environment of the participants.
Feedback is based upon peer reviews using Boulden assessment checklists. Completing the Boulden assessment checklists is not only valuable to the people involved in a given case study, it also helps those completing them to gain an in-depth understanding of the building blocks that make up effective career management.
The workshop can be followed by a 3/4 month long group coaching activity (using the Action Learning Philosophy). This involves delegates trying out the skills from the workshop in real life situations and getting support and guidance from their peers and the consultant as they do so. If this option is selected there is a Closure Workshop at the end of the coaching phase where delegates present how they have applied the techniques learned on the course into their daily work routine (using the Most Significant Change methodology).
All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.
To talk to us about our range of courses contact
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877