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Boulden Management Consultants

Professional Capabilities  >  Espresso Courses

Managing Emotions (both your own and other peoples)

Man giving a warm smile

Learn how to communicate and interact

90 min Session

Course Brochure Download
Emotional Intelligence brochure


Research shows that a person’s Emotional Intelligence is often a more accurate predictor of success than the individual’s IQ. In other words, success is strongly affected by how well someone communicates their ideas and interacts with their peers (i.e. their EI). This session looks at what EI is, and how it can be developed.


  • Defining Emotional Intelligence (EI)
  • The science behind EI
  • Four master competencies
  • Self Assessment: rating your own EI
  • Self Awareness: understanding your core values
  • A ‘micro coaching’ session on ‘Self-Control’ and the Three Lenses

Who should attend this in-house course?

Anyone who wants to know what is involved in developing themselves to be able to lead and motivate themselves and others.

Style and tone

All ‘espresso sessions’ are fast paced and participative. The mood during the workshop is relaxed, open and positive. Techniques taught are based on published scientific research and we constantly review the latest psychological journals to update the materials with the latest findings.

Remote Training

All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.


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