The workshop begins by considering how people typically respond when faced with change, particularly where those changes are challenging, unwelcome or unexpected. We start by reviewing the ‘transition curve’, which describes the various emotional states that people typically experience when faced with an upheaval in their lives. We then go on to apply Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to a change management situation to help participants cope with and thrive in the face of change.
By attending this highly interactive and practical course you will:
All employees who want to acquire a methodical and professional approach to dealing with change and uncertainty in the work environment.
Based on the work of Kubler Ross the Transition Curve explores the stages that people go through when having to deal with a major change in their lives. For each step in the process (from ‘shock’ through to ‘acceptance’) we consider what is required to successfully move on to the next step in order to fully engage with the change process.
Resisting change when it is inevitable simply wastes time and energy that would be better put to use dealing with the current situation. Accepting a change is not the same as agreeing with it or approving of it. However, if something is going to happen, then all of our mental and physical focus needs to be committed to adapting to events in the best manner possible under the circumstances. This idea can be captured by the ancient Chinese saying, “don’t push the river.”
Having understood how we react emotionally to change we then want to be in the position of taking the initiative and to start doing things to (a) shape how things turn out and (b) develop our options; rather than waiting for other people to decide things for us. The ‘well-formed outcomes process’ can help with this as it places great stress on developing a positive mental attitude and an emotional commitment towards achieving a goal. Done well the goals set using this process helps to generate the psychological momentum that is necessary to take action and so drive things forward.
Once a clear goal has been set it is often the case that circumstances and events combine to reveal unexpected opportunities to leverage change. Understanding how these opportunities can occur, how to spot them and realising how to grasp them when they do is a key skill in effective change management.
Coping with change is much easier if it is being done with a supportive network of friends, colleagues and relations. Here we consider the steps involved in deliberately developing such a network.
Feedback is based upon peer reviews using Boulden assessment checklists. Completing the assessment checklists is not only valuable to the people involved in a given case study or exercise, it also helps those completing them to gain an in-depth understanding of the building blocks that make up effective coping mechanisms when faced with change and uncertainty.
All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.
Further information on this course is available by contacting
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877