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Negotiations Skills  >  1-Day Courses

Essential Negotiation Skills

Training course in Negotiation Skills

Learn how to conduct a negotiation with confidence and poise

One-Day Course

Course Brochure Download
Essential Negotiation Skills brochure
  • Acquire methods for opening a negotiation with authority and presence
  • Learn how to use ‘symmetry’ to insist upon a fair result
  • Discover a simple yet powerful four-step method for planning a negotiation


This fast paced, interactive one-day workshop is designed to give participants a firm grasp of the key aspects of effective negotiation. It looks at the nine core influencing skills needed to negotiate with confidence and power. The workshop explains how to apply a rigorous planning process to any negotiating situation and goes on to explain how to manage the face-to-face meeting. The training is based on applying Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to the negotiation process and the ideas revealed during the course will build participants ability to achieve good deals along with enhancing their self-confidence.

Learning objectives

By attending this highly interactive one-day course you will:

  • Gain an insight into the golden rules of successful negotiations
  • Understand the importance of win/win strategies
  • Acquire a ‘toolbox’ of nine tried and tested influencing skills
  • Discover how to ‘put yourself in the other person’s shoes’
  • Master an elegant four stage process for running a deal making session

Who should attend?

People who are new to the art of negotiation and want to gain an insight into the principles involved in building win/win agreements.

Day 1

The golden rules of negotiation

What is going on inside a person’s head (their state of mind) is crucial to good performance in any field but in negotiation self-belief and self-confidence is vital to success. Here we consider the beliefs, values and attitudes of expert negotiators.

  • Examining your current beliefs
  • The hierarchy of negotiation and what it means for the tone of the negotiation
  • Reviewing expert thinking
  • Making changes that you feel are appropriate for you

Pairs exercise: applying the ‘affirmation’ technique

Influencing skills

The ability to influence and persuade is the key competency of skilled negotiators. Here we cover nine of the most vital influencing tools. Mastery of this skills toolbox, which is based on NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) concepts, allows expert negotiators to conduct face-to-face meetings with elegance and precision.

Effective listening

Paying close attention to the other party’s non-verbal behaviour and tuning in to the underlying message that is being transmitted.

  • Notice non verbal behaviour
  • Calibration

Pairs exercise: developing listening skills

Needs definition

This set of tools is concerned with asking high quality questions that map out precisely the other party’s needs and requirements and this questioning process is at the heart of effective negotiation. Based on the NLP idea known as the ‘logical levels concept’ it allows us to really understand what the other person needs to happen in order to agree to a deal.

  • The logical levels concept
  • Moving up logical levels
  • Moving down logical levels

Pairs exercise: conducting logical levels interviews

Yes sets

Building a history of agreement into the conversation so that the other person gets into the habit of agreeing with you. These techniques help to generate a positive tone to the whole of the negotiation meeting, from the initial remarks to signing off on the deal.

  • Summarising
  • Behaviour labelling

Pairs exercise: practising behaviour labelling

Sending positive messages

Using assertive tools combined with NLP techniques to put your point of view in a firm, persuasive, courteous manner.

  • Three step technique
  • Assertive broken record

Pairs exercise: learning to use the ‘broken record technique’ to resist unfair pressure

The negotiation planning process

The planning process involves gathering some facts (what we call building a database) and setting out the goals for the negotiation. Once this has been done, specific targets can be set and the plan for the face to face meeting developed.

  • Collecting the evidence (organising the facts)
  • Stakeholder analysis (identifying the key decision makers)
  • Position perception (learning how to identify your own goals and how to step into the other person’s shoes so you can anticipate their demands)
  • Agree the strategy for the negotiation (understanding the ‘settlement range’)

Exercise: role-play on position perception

Case study: planning a negotiation

The Boulden ‘Deal Making’ Meeting Process™

To run the actual face-to-face meeting we begin by agreeing the outcome for the negotiation and what topics should be covered. We then explore what importance each side attaches to each topic, and make proposals as to how agreement can be reached. Once an acceptable proposal has been put on the table we close the negotiation, record outcomes and monitor the results over time. The four steps of this face-to-face meeting process are described by a mnemonic ‘DEAL”, where each letter in the key word ‘deal’ represents a stage in the meeting:

  • Draw the logical levels diagram (using the logical levels system explore the topics for discussion.)
  • Explore possible deals (make proposals and give and receive concessions.)
  • Agree the closing position (agree the formal contract and get the main points of the agreement in writing.)
  • Look at the actual results (monitor how the contract is actually implemented over time.)

Case study: conducting a negotiation in order to gain familiarity with the influencing skills and deal making meetings management process


Case study and role play

Practise in moving through the whole planning process and the DEAL making session in one session.

Group Exercise: role plays



Feedback is based upon peer review using a Boulden assessment checklist. Completing the assessment checklist is not only valuable to the people involved in a given case study, it also helps those completing them to gain an in-depth understanding of the building blocks that make up an excellent negotiation meeting.

Remote Training

All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.


To talk to us about our range of courses contact
Boulden Management Consultants:
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Tel: 0844 394 8877