Handling Fee Negotiations

Sometimes buyers will claim that (although they really like our product or service) it costs too much. So the main (and maybe only) focus for them is about how to cut fees. The same holds true for seeking price increases, as the buyer will say, “Well, we like what you do but in this ‘soft market’ there is no way we can accept a price increase”.
This training considers how to defend against these tactics and hold firm on price and to focus the buyer on the value we are offering them instead.
By attending this highly interactive and practical half-day course you will:
People who are involved in negotiating fees or price increases.
To achieve a given pricing level it is not possible to trick or fool experienced business people into paying a given price based on ‘smoke and mirrors’, but rather it is necessary to prove that the price being asked for represents good value for money. We do this by developing a structured business case that highlights the value that our products or services provide the client.
Often, and especially with large customers, more than one person will have an input into the purchase of our products and services. This group or ‘cluster’ of people who have a say in the buying decision are known as the Key Stakeholders. It follows then that an important aspect of agreeing pricing levels is to systematically develop long-term relationships with the people who make up the stakeholder group.
We want to make sure that our Pricing Model is credible, so it is important to make sure that (a) our pricing level is not totally out of line with market realities, (b) that our offering is really distinct from our competitors and, (c) how easy or otherwise it is for a customer to switch suppliers.
Incorporating the most likely objections from the customer into our pricing model and identifying suitable responses.
How to quote a price (or a price increase) in a confident, professional manner.
Feedback is based upon peer review using Boulden assessment checklists. Completing the assessment checklists is not only valuable to the people involved in a given case study, it also helps those completing them to gain an in-depth understanding of the building blocks that make up an effective fee negotiation strategy.
All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.
Further information on this course is available by contacting
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877