- Master the art of meeting design
- Create a ‘strategy’ for involving the participants in the session
- Understand the significance of ‘connection statements’
This fast paced, remote training programme, is designed to give participants a grasp of the skills needed to design and facilitate a remote meeting for 50, or more, participants.
The training will help participants to make a connection with attendees when working via Teams/Zoom etc., hold their attention, and achieve valuable results.
The training consists of:
- An E-learning Module that people do as pre-work. (This is in the form of a pdf file that takes around 20-30 minutes to complete.)
- A four-hour-long, live Zoom Workshop, (with a 30-minute break halfway through) where we briefly review the theory covered in the pre-work and then carry out a series of role plays and case studies.
Learning objectives
By attending this highly interactive remote course you will:
- Acquire insights into the technical aspects of running a session
- Define the roles needed to deliver a successful session
- Gain ideas about how to keep to time
- Learn how to use an 8-step facilitation process
- Understand how to deal diplomatically with challenging behaviour
Who should attend?
This course is ideal for anyone who wants to grasp the skills needed to run a large scale event in a remote setting.
Design Strategy
Understanding the guiding principles of good meeting design (these apply to all types of meeting be they ‘in person’, hybrid, or virtual).
- Setting Meeting Goals
- House Rules
- Agenda Design
- Supporting Documentation
- Adjusting for Cultural Differences
- Lobbying
Exercise: assessing your design strategy
Preparing for the Facilitator’s Role
Understanding how to prepare psychologically for the Facilitator’s Role
- Getting Ready to take on the Facilitator’s Role
- The importance of Intentionality
- The art of hosting – drafting connection statements
Exercise: drafting connection statements
Planning a Virtual Meeting
How to plan a virtual meeting (specific design steps when working remotely).
- Roles and responsibilities in a virtual meeting
- Understanding the technology
- Preparing yourself (as Chairperson)
- Preparing the delegates
- Keeping to time in a Virtual Meeting
Exercise: understanding the roles needed to run a large-scale remote session
Eight-step Facilitation Strategy
Understanding how to facilitate a meeting.
- Greetings & Rapport Building
- Standard Introduction Sequence
- Work Through the Agenda
- Ensure Active Participation
- Interim Summaries
- Final Summary
- Close the Meeting
- Write the Minutes
Exercise: Standard Introduction Sequence
Six Meeting Control Techniques
Methods for controlling a session.
- Signalling
- Sequencing
- Car Parking
- Time Challenge
- Relevancy Challenge
- Three-Step Assertive Technique
Exercise: practise at control techniques
Remote Meeting Techniques
Understanding specific methods for controlling remote meetings.
- Working with the camera
- Remote specific ‘House Rules’
- Keeping attendees engaged
Exercise: working with the camera
This programme is delivered in a remote format.
Where appropriate, we conduct interviews and facilitate focus groups to gather information with which to write bespoke case studies that precisely reflect the culture and work environment of the participants.
Feedback is based upon peer reviews using Boulden Assessment Checklists. Completing the Boulden Assessment Checklists is not only valuable to the people involved in a given case study, it also helps those completing them to gain an in-depth understanding of skills used by those excellent at running large-scale meetings.
Follow up Coaching Support (Practise makes perfect)
The workshop can be followed by a 3/4-month-long group coaching activity (using the Action Learning Philosophy). This involves delegates trying out the skills from the workshop in real life situations and getting support and guidance from their peers and the consultant as they do so. If this option is selected there is a Closure Workshop at the end of the coaching phase where delegates present how they have applied the techniques learned on the course into their daily work routine (using the Most Significant Change methodology).
Remote Training
All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.