Self Awareness and Teamwork

The Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) is based on more than 30 years of research by psychologist Elias H Porter from which he developed his Relationship Awareness Theory™. The SDI identifies four basic motivations that drive behaviours and influence how people work together. People who have different core values can find each other puzzling and (depending on the context) may perceive their colleagues' behaviour as either intriguing or irritating. The SDI provides an effective means for understanding these differences so that both individual interpersonal relationships, and working together in a group are energising, productive and gratifying.
By attending this highly interactive and practical half-day teambuilding course you will:
This half-day workshop is ideal for existing teams of all types and all levels including: senior executive teams, departmental teams, project teams, sales teams, account manager groups and business partner forums.
This self awareness and team-building event is based on a personal and group assessment of participants’ answers to the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI.) This psychometric inventory consists of twenty questions and takes about fifteen minutes to complete. The participants will be asked to complete the SDI, key parts of the theory will be reviewed and the results will be fed back to the participants.
In SDI theory a “strength” is a behaviour that comes from a core value and that is used with integrity and proportion. In contrast, a “weakness” is when the behaviour is used without integrity and proportion. For example ‘self confidence’ is a typical “strength” of people who like to lead, but overdone this self-assurance can turn into ‘arrogance.’ Learning to develop the strengths and minimise weaknesses, both as an individual and of the team as a whole, is a key factor in developing good morale and high performance. In addition, well-balanced people are also able to use their intellect to ‘borrow’ skills from areas that they are not so comfortable with in order to be effective in a broad range of situations.
There are three key ideas about how the SDI can help you to relate more effectively to others:
Effective teams work hard to ensure that there is a common (and agreed) set of values or ‘team rules’ in place, so that all the team members understand how they should behave in the group setting. This process is greatly enhanced by relating individual ‘rules’ to the SDI principles to ensure a psychological balance in the way that things are prioritised.
Discussing how to implement the learning from the workshop into our ‘day to day’ team interactions.
Feedback is based upon peer review and using the SDI test. Completing the SDI test is not only valuable to the people involved in a given case study, it also helps those completing them to gain a greater understanding of their own and other people’s value systems.
All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.
Further information on this course is available by contacting
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877