Tel: 0844 394 8877

Boulden Management Consultants

Professional Capabilities  >  Half-Day Courses

The Art of Diplomacy

Training coursse in time management

Understand the guiding principles involved in working in a diplomatic manner

Half Day Course

Course Brochure Download
Art of Diplomacy brochure
  • Learn to use the reciprocity principle
  • Understand the power of active listening
  • Practise resisting pressure and unfair treatment


Diplomacy is the art of building and maintaining relationships using tact and mutual respect, where… Tact is sensitivity to what is appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak without offending. Mutual Respect is showing due regard for another person's feelings, rights, and wishes; while standing up for your own feelings, rights, and wishes.

The training covers what's involved in making people feel very comfortable with you, and your suggestions, while also being able to resist bullying, pressure or aggressive behaviour with good grace and great charm.

Learning objectives

By attending this highly interactive and practical half-day course you will:

  • Understand the key principles of behaving in a diplomatic manner
  • Appreciate how to build your political capital
  • Acquire tools for creating rapport
  • Learn how to demonstrate empathy
  • Master the art of saying "no" graciously

Who should attend?

This course is for anyone who wants to improve their ability to act with tact, empathy and self-respect.


Building Political Capital

How to create a reservoir of ‘goodwill’ that you can use to influence another person.

  • Defining Political Capital
  • The Reciprocity Principle
  • The delicate art of self-promotion

Exercise: assessing your Political Capital

Creating rapport

Making the effort to 'connect' with the other person.

  • Using body language effectively
  • Exploring common ground
  • Using compliments effectively

Exercise: building rapport with small talk

Active listening

Truly listening to what others are saying before giving your point of view to them shows respect, as people like to feel heard (and allows for a tailored response).

  • Listen in full (Do not make any judgements – just let the person talk)
  • Ask questions to add detail or clarify any vagueness
  • Summarise what the person said to confirm understanding
  • Post Listening Phase (Decide your next steps)

Exercise: active listening exercise

Thinking Win/Win

Framing any request or suggestion so that it is clear how the other person gains from doing what you want.

  • Game theory
  • Why Win/Win matters
  • Looking for the Win/Win argument

Exercise: Win/Win argument

Using diplomatic language

Standing up for your rights and resisting unfair pressure, but doing so in a courteous manner, using seven key communication techniques

  1. Strategic Avoidance
  2. Tactical Retreat
  3. Assertive Delay
  4. Tactical Escalation
  5. Matching Values
  6. Leading Values
  7. Rapport Based No

Exercise: working with diplomatic language


This programme is delivered in a remote format.

Where appropriate, we conduct interviews and facilitate focus groups to gather information with which to write bespoke case studies that precisely reflect the culture and work environment of the participants.


Feedback is based upon peer review using Boulden Assessment Checklists. Completing feedback against the assessment checklists is not only valuable to the people doing a given role play, or case study, it also helps the observer, who is completing it, to gain an in-depth understanding of the building blocks that make up effective diplomatic behaviour.

Follow up Coaching Support (Practise makes Perfect)

The workshop can be followed by a 3/4-month-long group coaching activity (using the Action Learning Philosophy). This involves delegates trying out the skills from the workshop in real life situations and getting support and guidance from their peers and the consultant as they do so. If this option is selected there is a Closure Workshop at the end of the coaching phase where delegates present how they have applied the techniques learned on the course into their daily work routine (using the Most Significant Change methodology).

Remote Training

All of our workshops can be delivered as Remote Training via e-learning modules plus Zoom based virtual workshops. Please see our Virtual Training page for more information.


Further information on this course is available by contacting
Boulden Management Consultants:
via our Contact form
Tel: 0844 394 8877